Consultation with professional genealogist


40 minutes phone consultation with professional genealogist, in English language, anywhere in the world.


If you feel you might need an expert hand in your research, facebook groups do not help any more, brick walls seem monumental, your situation seems very complicated — do not hesitate to talk to professional. Your case quickly reviewed, problems detected, solutions offered,  ancestors made happy.

Leave your contact details at the order page, including your phone number (or other preferred way to get in touch with you), and  the time to contact you (including the timezone). I will get in touch with you over the phone within the next 72 hours or faster, so you can get all required explanations to your seemingly impossible problems.

I am a member of Association of Professional Genealogists (see my profile there), published several genealogy books (see my author’s page on Amazon), visited dozens of archives, digged 12 generations of my own family a decade ago, and have a lot of knowledge and curiosity to help you.

40 minutes phone consultation, in English language, anywhere in the world.

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